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Cancellation Policy
Here at Cheshire Clips i understand that sometimes life gets in the way or appointments are forgotten about which is why we send a reminder email before your appointment. Appointments cancelled a minimum of 24 hours in advance won't be charged for their dogs groom.
Any appointments not cancelled within 24 hours you will be charged 25% free of their groom only if i am able to fill your slot, however if your appointment slot cant be filled you will be charged for the full groom.
If you simply do not show up to the appointment then a link will be sent for you to pay for the full amount of your dogs groom.
Please note each day is planned out and times blocked off suited to your dog, as am a small business working alone, when appointments are missed or not shown up for this really affects the whole day.
Late arrival to the appointment
If you're late to an appointment you have to understand that your dogs groom may not be completed as planned as i am on a very tight schedule. Of course i will try and manage my schedule to ensure i can finish your dog however, this isn't always possible but if other clients have to be pushed back due to your late arrival then an additional charge will be added to your dogs groom. Please contact us if you're going to be late.
Late Pick up to the appointment
If you're late to picking up your dog you must contact Sophie on 07931741455 immediately! I will of course take good care of your dog whilst it is with me however if you are over half an hour late an additional charge will be added. Please note here at Cheshire Clips it is 1-1, cage free grooming so there will be no other dogs in the room during the time of your dogs appointment although if you're late to collect your dog this effects the system and grooms will need to be pushed back and in some cases cancelled. IF other grooms need to be cancelled because your dog hasn't been collected then you will be charged for the grooms i have had to rearrange.
Matting Policy
Dogs can matt for all sorts of reasons and if i am contacted before hand then i am able to block off a longer slot as it can take a while to remove all matts. Matts are very difficult to remove and painful for your dog so an additional matting charge may be added in severe cases. The most important this to understand is your dogs health and welfare come first and leaving matts in your dogs coat can cause serious harm to your pooch. They are likely needed to be fully shaved to remove all matts & knots, even though this may not be what you want it is best for your dogs coat to start again and for you to keep on top of it at home to prevent more matts from appearing. regular grooming will also prevent matts, i will recommend how long you should leave your dog until booking your next appointment.
The reason your dog may need to be fully shaved is because when a dog becomes matted the loose and live hair becomes embedded in large masses, the longer matts are left the more harm they can cause. Matting can lead to further health conditions such as infections and skin irritations. they can cut off the blood supply and deny regular air circulation to the skin which can trap moisture and cause sores and problems such as parasites. Without regular brushing the dogs coat becomes unhealthy and will emit a foul smell. If you want your dog groomed and stay long and fluffy you must be brushing them DAILY! Once matts occur this can be really painful for your dog when they're being removed. Clippers pulling on matts can cause your dog to become anxious or aggressive which makes them associate being groomed with pain, this results in the groom being much more difficult and takes longer, this is why its so important to brush your dog daily. matts also cause damage to grooming equipment as blades struggle to get through.
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